Alcohol in Skincare: Here’s Everything you Should Know

Alcohol in Skincare: Here’s Everything you Should Know

Alcohol in Skincare

Alcohol in Skincare! While we’d like to think we know which components are healthy for our skin — Vitamin C, E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Ceramides – it can be difficult to tell which compounds aren’t so good.

Alcohol is one such ingredient that raises several questions. Everything you need to know about alcohol in skincare is right here.

Is alcohol in skincare harmful to the skin? Should we eliminate it from our routines as well?

Alcohol has long been utilized as a preservative in skincare products. It keeps our moisturizers from getting rancid. However, alcohol has a reputation for being too drying on the skin – so how much is too much?

Do you think alcohol in skincare is bad for your skin?

Alcohol is both a preservative and a solvent, and we frequently require both to make products usable. Ethanol, often known as alcohol denat, is frequently viewed as a skincare villain. It can be drying, irritating, and harmful to the skin in high concentrations.

By breaking down the skin’s natural barrier, alcohol can also aid in the absorption of other chemicals. However, high-alcohol denat formulations can disrupt the skin barrier, they work on disturbing the natural hydration process.

Should you avoid alcohol in skincare?

One cannot eliminate alcohol completely but use it in a controlled manner. There are several distinct types of alcohol in skincare, each with unique use & varying ratios. It seems reckless to eliminate them all.

The amount of alcohol in cleansing wipes does not serve a sufficient function, therefore I’d recommend ditching them in favor of a skin-friendly pre-cleanse tool.

It’s time to make friends with your ingredients list if you’re confused about the amount of alcohol in your skincare products. Ingredients are presented in order of their percentage in the product; the larger the percentage, the higher it will appear on the ingredients list.

As a result, if alcohol is near the top of the list, the product is likely to have a high percentage of it. Do make a wise decision when it comes to your skin and hair health. Ask or read when in doubt.