How will Mfumu Kadzi be in the Future

Bombshell Sets Fans on Anticipating the “Mfumu Kadzi” Album Mode

Bombshell Grenade drops some juice about her album while conversing with tweeps, but has chosen to tell them the title and keep the release date secret. How will Mfumu Kadzi be in the future?

While it might be a norm for her to keep such information secret, the Queen made it known that the title is “Mfumu Kadzi“.

Together we stand, divided we fall. Imagine a world where we as women fought for women, loved all women, supported women owned business etc. We would change the world. I believe in all my Queens out there. WE ARE MFUMU KADZI,” noted Bombshell Grenade.

Check out the juice below:

The Queen recently dropped “Assassin” and tweeps gave it the needed hype. And this time around, they are anticipating the album release, hoping it to become a hit.

Assassins” hitmaker also helped with dishing out some quote-worthy words about raising a child. She said that in order for the village to raise one child, the village must be united and genuinely concerned about the next person’s well-being.

She also said; let us be that village that raises a child together.. We remain anxiously waiting and hope to get more hot songs from the MFUMU KADZI album.

However, new music production is upon us, and we are ready out to get more Mfumu Kadzi’s juice. Enjoy!



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