7 Effects Of Eating Too Much Meat

Effects of eating too much meat

Can you get sick from eating too much meat, what happens when you eat too much meat? In this article, you will learn the seven possible effects of eating too much meat. Most of us know that we’re supposed to cut down on how much meat we include in our diet, but many of us don’t know why. Eating cheeseburgers every day is obviously not the best for your waist line, but there are a number of other surprising effects of eating too much meat, many of which have greater effects than just affecting your weight.

You don’t necessarily have to cut out meat altogether to lessen these effects – but it is more about the quantity and the quality of the meat that we consume. In general, a portion of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand, which works out to around three ounces. However, most people nowadays are not paying attention to the portions they consume, specifically at restaurants, where the portions are large, and we tend to consume much more in a sitting than necessary.

To make sure you’re keeping your health in check and not overdoing it with the roasted chicken or bowls of chili, pay attention to these seven surprising effects of eating too much meat:

1. Dehydration

One study found that high-protein diet can cause the kidneys to produce more concentrated urine, causing dehydration. This can affect everything from your energy levels, to your skin, to increased food cravings and even muscle cramps.

2. Body odor

Piling on the deodorant? You might be eating too much meat. A study found that people who ate a non-meat diet had body odor that was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense than the body odor of meat-eaters.

3. Constipation

Eating lots of meat in place of carbohydrates can lead to constipation because meat provides no fiber. To alleviate any constipation, lower your intake of meat and up your intake of complex carbohydrates as well as fruits and vegetables.

4. Headaches

It’s no surprise that meat can cause headaches considering too much of it can be dehydrating. Additionally, carbohydrates are fuel for the brain. So when we eat tons of meat and not enough carbohydrates, this can lead to headaches and poor mental function.

5. Increased risk of vision loss

High consumption of red meat is linked to increased risk for age-related macular degeneration, the number one cause of blindness among older people. The reason behind that link is that the saturated fat in meat is thought to be harmful to the tiny blood vessels of the eyes. Some of the chemicals (nitrosamines) in some processed meats are also thought to be a culprit in harming eyes.

6. Weak bones

Super high amounts of protein can increase the urinary loss of calcium, which is essential for building strong bones. This can be prevented by consuming enough calcium in the meantime. But it is something a lot of people don’t think about when eating high protein diets.

7. Fatigue

If you always feel tired, it might be your diet, not your sleep, that’s causing the fatigue. Overconsumption of meat can make you feel tired if you are not digesting it properly. This is because meat is inherently harder on our system to digest because it requires more work.