Take a Look at Patience Saili’s Style: Fashion and Swimsuit Model
Say what you want about Patience Saili, but this gorgeous Zambian bombshell has served up some inevitably chic modeling looks over the past few years.
She’s never one for a gooey print or an ill-fitted combo. Instead, she’s all about natural beauty and African fashion statements. Honestly, her melanin beauty is probably the hottest thing to come out of the Saili‘s family.
Check out the six drips of Patience Saili‘s looks that we can’t stop obsessing over below:
This relaxed look is one we want to re-enact. White is always incapable of going wrong or being misused as a color to match, and this time, Patience opted for it.
See another drip below:
Patience is giving us some flawless vibes with this stunning beauty of her own.
Breathtaking beauty, anyone? Patience looks like the general of a hot babe army in this military-inspired green and a killer crown of strands on it.
We’re obsessed with this melanin beauty because she has the ability to truly transform her outfit into form-fitting. She furnishes herself with an effort which turns her out to look like an entrepreneurial boss babe.
See her modeling drips below:
She serves an integral part of the African clothing since her style presents the natural “her” as she lands to be a pure African model.
The model’s boldness entails how the Chitenge can be styled in a plethora of ways in traditional garb as she shows off her natural beauty.
On this one, Patience Saili gives herself up to the portrayal of emotions through art. The model expresses anger and series of distress over the ill treatment women experience.
Well, lots of people think that modelling is just about looking beautiful and being tall, slim, and distinctive. But there are a lot of other accredits one also needs to have.