Are you Aware of your Needs for Today?

Are you Aware of your Needs for Today? MATTHEW 6 vs 8

Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him! MATTHEW 6 vs 8

Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him! MATTHEW 6 vs 8

Are you aware of your needs for today? Do you know how to pray for your needs? Tell God your Needs and Don’t Forget to Thank Him.

As you go before your Father, let him give daily to you power, work, fears, troubles He sees fit for you to have. His blessings will be over and above all that you could ever imagine. He will grant you mercy, grace, and hope if you seek Him and His righteousness above all else.

These are the things your body needs—peace, comfort, joy, and His arms about you, assuring this promise to you that if you seek him first, “all these other things shall be added unto you.”


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