How to Wake up Early in the Morning

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How to wake up early in the morning

How to wake up in the morning or let me say, how to wake up from sleep paralysis! Maybe you want me to say, how to wake up when tired – how to wake up easier? Okay, we are on the same page, in this article, you will learn how to wake up early without an alarm

Waking up early boasts positive health benefits, including better concentration, long-lasting energy and more.

Early morning wake-ups can be difficult, as the thought of sleeping in is usually a much more appealing option. However, waking up early boasts positive health benefits, including better concentration, improved quality of sleep, long-lasting energy, productivity and more.

Waking up early takes commitment, but it’s possible to turn even the latest riser into an early bird.

Here are 10 genius tips to help you get in the habit of waking up early:

1. Slit your curtains

Leave your blinds or curtains slightly open before going to bed. This way, sunlight can stream through and help you wake up more naturally. On sunny days, this can be an effective strategy.

2. Put your phone on silent

Turn off your phone ringer or activate “do not disturb” mode before bed. Notifications can wake you in the middle of the night and tempt you to check your phone, which will disrupt your sleep cycle.

That text message or funny meme will still be there in the morning, so do yourself a favor and completely disconnect before bed.

3. Avoid late-night snacks

While some studies have shown that snacking close to bedtime can help dull any hunger pains that may appear overnight, others have shown that it can cause less enjoyable symptoms such as acid reflux.

It’s easy to confuse hunger with tiredness, so instead, ditch the snacks and save your appetite for breakfast.

4. Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee

Energy drinks and coffee may give you the extra boost you need to study, but ingesting large amounts of sugar or caffeine before bed can make it more challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Limiting consumption of sugary sodas, energy drinks and coffee has been proven to produce healthier sleeping habits. Try switching to water or tea before bed to keep yourself hydrated.

5. Unplug before bed

“Unplugging” from smartphones and laptops about 30 minutes before bed can contribute to a better night of sleep.

The blue light emitted from screens can alter your body’s natural melatonin levels, making it more difficult to fall asleep. An earlier bedtime with zero interference from tech can leave you feeling happier and more energized the next day.

6. Avoid all-nighters

Skipping a night’s sleep to finish an assignment is not a wise choice. Not only can it lead to exhaustion the next morning, lack of sleep can also inhibit your body’s ability to function properly.

A recent study reported that someone who goes a night without sleep will often end up with the cognitive impairment of an individual who drank to the legal limit. This proves just how important sleep is to our bodies.

If you have a big deadline approaching, avoid procrastinating so you won’t have to pull an all-nighter to finish your work. You will quickly realize the lack of sleep is not worth it.

7. Set an earlier bedtime

Training your body to fall asleep earlier may help you rise earlier each morning. Most adults should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night – anything less than that can cause you to struggle with waking up early.

8. Place your alarm clock across the room

To avoid snoozing your alarm, place your phone or alarm clock across the room from where your bed is. This way, when your alarm goes off, you’ll be forced to get out of bed to silence it. Without the temptation of snoozing your alarm, you’ll be up and at ‘em right on time.

9. Get an evaluation to see what’s affecting your sleep

Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, or health issues, such as allergies or depression, could be leaving you with poor quality sleep. No matter how hard you try to get to bed on time and wake up on time, you’ll still be tired in the morning and sleepy during the day.

For sleep apnea, your sleep partner may note snoring or gasping for air, or you may have a morning headache. Talk to your doctor about testing to find out if you have an underlying condition that’s making sleep difficult.

10. Streamline your mornings to gain time

Now that you’re clear about what you want to do when you wake up and what it takes to get more sleep, consider trimming down your morning activities. This could let you set the alarm clock for a few minutes (or more) later.

If you’ve decided you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags.

Are you spending 15 minutes in line at the café to get coffee? That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping by buying a coffee maker with a timer — another wake-me-up device that will also brew your favorite hot drink on your schedule.

Bottom Line

Training your body to wake up early will take time, so don’t expect to be able to wake up at 5 a.m. every day just yet.

Try implementing small changes into your routine to make early wakeups feasible, such as setting an earlier bedtime, moving the location of your alarm clock or ditching snacks and sugary drinks before bed.

With these small changes, your body will eventually get in the habit of getting up early.


How to wake up early if you sleep late

Allow sunshine to shine through your drapes. This will assist your body in waking up with less of a start and more calmly. Before going to bed, create a peaceful nighttime ritual for yourself. This will assist you in falling asleep sooner and waking up earlier.

How to wake up early in the morning to study

  • Sleep early in the night.
  • Follow your routine daily.
  • Put an alarm to wake up.
  • Take a 15 – 20 min nap in the afternoon.
  • Read a book for 20–30 minutes before going to bed. …
  • Try to keep the devices away from your pillow (if possible keep it in some other room) to avoid rays.

What is the best time to wake up early in the morning

It is good to wake up before the sun rises when there are loving (sattvic) qualities in nature that bring peace of mind and freshness to the senses. If not before, then make sure you wake up with the sun but not after sunrise.

How to wake up early in the morning without an alarm for students

  • Set an earlier bedtime.
  • Unplug before bed.
  • Avoid late-night snacking.
  • Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee.
  • Silence your phone.
  • Avoid all-nighters.
  • Sleep with your curtains open.
  • Place your alarm clock across the room.

How to wake up in the morning with energy

  • Don’t hit snooze — at all.
  • Drink a glass of water first thing.
  • Stretch out your tired body with yoga.
  • Splash your face with water.
  • Eat breakfast to spark your energy.
  • Avoid having sugar until lunch.
  • Drink less coffee.

How to wake yourself up when tired in the morning

  • Get up and move around to feel awake.
  • Take a nap to take the edge off sleepiness.
  • Give your eyes a break to avoid fatigue.
  • Eat a healthy snack to boost energy.
  • Start a conversation to wake up your mind.
  • Turn up the lights to ease fatigue.
  • Take a breather to feel alert.

How to wake up early naturally

  • Go To Sleep Earlier.
  • Gradually Wake Up Earlier Each Day.
  • Reward Yourself In the Morning With Something to Get You Out of Bed Routinely.
  • Drink Water Before Bed.
  • Adjust to Daylight Savings Time Gradually.
  • Have an honest reason for waking up early.
  • Lean into the rituals you’ve already created.
  • Splash your face with cold water (or take a 30-second cold shower, if you’re brave).
  • Calculate your ideal bedtime based on your new ideal wakeup time.
  • Allow yourself a little wiggle room (within reason).



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