How to Improve Gut Health
Looking for the best simple natural ways to heal your gut or how to improve gut health naturally? In this article we list ten scientifically supported ways to improve the gut microbiome and enhance overall health. Your body has about 40 trillion trillion bacteria, the most of which are in your gut. They are collectively referred to as your gut microbiome, and they are crucial for general health.
However, specific types of bacteria in your gut can also play a role in a number of infections. The kind of bacteria in your digestive tract might change depending on a variety of variables, including the foods you eat.
See How to Increase Good Bacteria in Gut Naturally
What is gut health and why is it important?
Gut health refers to the condition of the whole digestive system, which includes the organs in our bodies that break down food into the various nutrients our systems need to function, from the oesophagus to the intestine.
Simply, the balance of bacteria that reside in the digestive system is what is referred to as gut health. Immunity, physical and mental health, and other factors depend on maintaining the proper balance of these microbes in the gut.
It helps your body digest the food you eat, absorbs the nutrients, and utilizes them to maintain and power your body. Therefore, it will be harder to maintain good health if your gut is out of whack and your immune system isn’t operating at peak efficiency.
The “gut microbiome” or “gut flora” is another name for the trillions of these bacteria, yeasts, and viruses.
A lot of bacteria are beneficial to human health, and some are even necessary. Others may be dangerous, especially if they spread widely.
10 Easy Ways to Improve Gut Health Naturally
How to improve gut health? Below we list 10 scientifically supported ways to improve the gut microbiome and enhance overall health:
1. Eat a variety of foods
Your intestines are home to hundreds of different types of bacteria, each of which has a unique function in maintaining health and differing nutritional requirements.
In general, a diversified microbiome is seen as healthy. This is due to the fact that more types of bacteria may result in greater positive effects on your health. A diversified microbiome might result from a diet that includes a variety of food kinds.
Sadly, the typical Western diet lacks variety and is high in fat and sugar. In actuality, only 12 plants and 5 animal species are used to create almost 75% of the world’s food. However, the diets in certain rural areas are frequently more varied and abundant in various plant sources.
Due to this, a few studies have revealed that people from rural parts of Africa and South America had far more gut microbiome diversity than people from cities in Europe or the US.
SUMMARY: A diversified microbiome is good for your health and can result from consuming a diverse diet high in whole foods.
2. Frequently eat fruits, vegetables, and legumes
The finest sources of nutrients for a healthy microbiome are fruits and vegetables. They are high in fiber, which your body can’t digest. However, certain bacteria in your gut can digest fiber, which stimulates their growth.
Additionally, beans and other legumes are highly high in fiber. The following high-fiber foods are beneficial to your gut bacteria:
- lentils
- beans
- whole grains
- raspberries
- broccoli
- chickpeas
- bananas
- apples
- artichokes
- green peas
A fruit and vegetable-rich diet was shown to inhibit the growth of several disease-causing bacteria, according to one research.
There is evidence that eating foods like apples, artichokes, blueberries, almonds, and pistachios increases the amount of Bifidobacteria in humans.
Bifidobacteria are regarded as good bacteria because they can improve gut health and reduce intestinal inflammation.
SUMMARY: The fiber content of many fruits and vegetables is substantial. Fiber encourages the development of good gut bacteria, particularly certain types like Bifidobacteria.
Read 10 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut and How to Fix it
3. Eat fermented foods
Foods that have undergone fermentation, in which yeast or bacteria break down the carbohydrates they contain, are referred to as fermented foods.
These are a few examples of fermented foods:
- yogurt
- kimchi
- sauerkraut
- kefir
- kombucha
- tempeh
Many of these foods are rich in lactobacilli, a type of bacteria that can benefit your health.
According to research, those who consume a lot of yogurt seem to have more lactobacilli in their intestines. Additionally, these persons had lower levels of Enterobacteriaceae, a group of bacteria associated with inflammation and a number of chronic illnesses.
Similar to this, several studies have demonstrated that eating yogurt can enhance gut bacteria and lessen lactose intolerance symptoms. What’s more, yogurt may also enhance the function and composition of the microbiome.
However, a lot of yogurts, particularly flavored yogurts, have a lot of sugar in them. Consequently, it is recommended to choose yogurt that is plain, unsweetened, or flavorless and that is prepared solely of milk and bacterial combinations, also referred to as “starter cultures.”
Additionally, to reap the gut health benefits, make sure the label reads “contains live active cultures.”
Furthermore, fermented soybean milk may promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, while decreasing quantities of some other harmful strains of bacteria. Kimchi may also benefit the gut flora.
SUMMARY: The microbiome may be improved by consuming fermented foods like plain yogurt, which also help to reduce the amount of disease-causing bacteria in the intestines.
4. Eat prebiotic foods
Prebiotics are foods that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. They are mostly complex carbohydrates or fiber that human cells cannot process. Instead, specific types of gut bacteria break them down and use them for fuel.
Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain prebiotics, but they can also be found on their own.
Resistant starch can also be a prebiotic. This type of starch is not absorbed in the small intestine and passes into the large intestine, where the microbiota break it down.
Many studies have shown that prebiotics can promote the growth of several types of beneficial bacteria, including Bifidobacteria.
Prebiotics may help prevent diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes since they have been demonstrated to lower insulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels in obese individuals.
SUMMARY: Prebiotics encourage the development of a variety of good bacteria, including Bifidobacteria. According to certain research, prebiotics may also lower insulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels, hence lowering risk factors for certain health conditions.
5. Breastfeed for at least six months
At birth, a baby’s microbiome starts to mature appropriately. Studies, however, imply that certain bacteria may already be present in newborns before birth.
An infant’s microbiome is constantly changing throughout the first two years of life and is populated by beneficial Bifidobacteria that can digest the sugars in breast milk.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that compared to breastfed infants, formula-fed newborns have an altered microbiome with less Bifidobacteria.
Furthermore, breastfeeding is linked to decreased risks of obesity, allergies, and other illnesses that may be brought on by variations in the gut microbiota.
SUMMARY: An infant that is breastfed has a healthy microbiome, which may assist them avoid developing health conditions later in life.
6. Eat whole grains
Whole grains contain lots of fiber and nondigestible carbs, such as beta-glucan. These carbs are not absorbed in the small intestine and instead make their way to the large intestine to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Research suggests that whole grains can promote the growth of Bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and Bacteroidetes in humans. In these studies, whole grains also increased feelings of fullness and reduced inflammation and certain risk factors for heart disease.
However, keep in mind that some research shows that gluten-containing grains — such as wheat, barley, and rye — may actually negatively impact gut health by increasing intestinal permeability and inflammation in some people.
While this mostly applies to those with celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten, more research is needed to determine whether eating grains that contain gluten may also alter the gut microbiome in healthy adults without these conditions.
SUMMARY: Whole grains contain nondigestible carbs that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria within the gut microbiome. These changes to the gut flora may improve certain aspects of metabolic health.
7. Vegetarianise your diet
Animal-based diets encourage the establishment of several intestinal types of bacteria more than plant-based diets do. A number of studies have shown that vegetarian diets may benefit the gut microbiome, which may be due to their high fiber content. For example, one small 2013 study found that a vegetarian diet led to reduced levels of disease-causing bacteria in people with obesity, as well as reductions in body weight, inflammation, and cholesterol levels.
A 2019 review noted that plant foods are rich in specific nutrients that can increase levels of beneficial bacteria and decrease harmful strains of bacteria to support gut health. However, it is not apparent if the advantages of a vegetarian diet on the gut microbiome are brought about by a reduction in meat consumption or if additional variables may also be at play.
SUMMARY: Vegetarian and vegan diets may improve the microbiome. However, it is unclear if the positive effects associated with these diets can be attributed to a lack of meat intake or if other factors may be involved.
8. Eat foods high in polyphenols
Plant compounds called polyphenols offer several health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol levels, and oxidative stress. Polyphenols are not usually metabolized by human cells. The majority of polyphenols reach the colon where gut bacteria break them down since they are not adequately absorbed.
Several examples of foods high in polyphenols include:
- almonds
- onions
- cocoa and dark chocolate
- red wine
- grape skins
- green tea
- blueberries
- broccoli
Polyphenols from cocoa can increase the amount of Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in humans and reduce the quantity of Clostridia. Furthermore, these changes in the microbiome are associated with lower levels of triglycerides and C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation.
The polyphenols in red wine have similar effects and have even been shown to increase levels of beneficial bacteria in people with metabolic syndrome.
SUMMARY: Polyphenols can’t be digested efficiently by human cells, but they are efficiently broken down by the gut microbiota. They may improve several health outcomes related to heart disease and inflammation.
9. Boost your probiotic consumption
Probiotics are live microorganisms, usually bacteria, that provide a specific health benefit when consumed. Most of the time, probiotics don’t permanently colonize the intestines. However, they could improve your health by altering the microbiome’s general makeup and assisting your metabolism.
A review of seven studies found that probiotics have little effect on the gut microbiome composition of healthy people. However, there is some evidence that probiotics may improve the gut microbiome in those with certain diseases.
One review of 63 studies found mixed evidence of the effectiveness of probiotics in altering the microbiome. But the researchers noted that the probiotics’ strongest effects seemed to be in restoring the microbiome to a healthy state after it had been compromised.
Probiotics can, however, enhance the performance of some gut bacteria as well as the particular kinds of compounds they generate, according to some research.
By eating more probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods, you may increase the amount of probiotics in your body.
As an alternative, you can think about taking a probiotic supplement. However, before beginning a supplement regimen, make sure to see your doctor, especially if you are already on any other drugs or have any underlying health conditions.
SUMMARY: In healthy individuals, probiotics do not dramatically alter the microbiome’s makeup. However, in people with certain health conditions, they could help the microbiome work better and go back to normal.
10. Limit your use of antibiotics
Antibiotic usage is a serious public health problem because it can result in antibiotic resistance, even though it is sometimes necessary to take antibiotics to treat bacterial illnesses.
According to some study, even six months after their usage, the gut still lacks various types of good bacteria. Antibiotics are also bad for the gut microbiota and immunity.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 30% of antibiotic prescriptions in the US are unnecessary. As a result, the CDC recommend that people discuss antibiotics and alternative options with their doctor before use.
Bottom line
For many elements of your health, your gut bacteria are essential. A disturbed microbiome can cause a variety of chronic diseases, as multiple studies have recently demonstrated.
Eating a variety of fresh, complete meals, mostly from plant sources including fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and whole grains, is the greatest method to maintain a healthy gut.
What is leaky gut syndrome?
Leaky gut syndrome is a theory that intestinal permeability is not only a symptom of gastrointestinal disease but an underlying cause that develops independently. If your intestinal barrier is impaired, it may be letting toxins into your bloodstream.
What are the Leaky gut symptoms?
- A burning feeling of ulceration in your gut.
- Painful indigestion from the loss of intestinal mucosa.
- Diarrhea and constipation.
- Nutritional deficiencies.
- Fatigue.
- Headaches.
- Confusion.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Skin problems, such as acne, rashes, or eczema.
- Joint pain.
- Gas and bloating from fermentation by overgrown bacteria in your gut.
- Low energy from the reduced ability to draw energy from your food.
How to heal your gut?
- Lower your stress levels.
- Get enough sleep.
- Eat slowly.
- Stay hydrated.
- Take a prebiotic or probiotic.
- Check for food intolerances.
- Change your diet
How do I gut cleanse at home?
Eat more prebiotic foods, such as beans, onions, asparagus, oats, bananas, and other foods high in prebiotic fibers. Increase your probiotic intake to help your body produce more good gut bacteria. Yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and tempeh are all examples of foods that have undergone fermentation.
What are Gut healthy foods?
Whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans, and artichokes are examples of prebiotic foods that provide nourishment for healthy microbiome. Yogurt is a probiotic meal that already contains a lot of good bacteria.
How do you know if you have a leaky gut?
Below are some of the symptoms of a leaky gut:
- A burning feeling of ulceration in your gut.
- Painful indigestion from the loss of intestinal mucosa.
- Diarrhea.
- Gas and bloating from fermentation by overgrown bacteria in your gut.
- Low energy from the reduced ability to draw energy from your food.